Ras Panchadhyayi

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Developer: Shrem Impex Pvt. Ltd.

Our aim is to make it easy for someone to get familiar with Sanskrit language using technology and adaptative methods.

Our app is a combination of ebook and audiobook format combined with a karaoke type interface to read and recite Sanskrit verses and other popular titles originally scripted in Sanskrit centuries ago.
The vibrations that emit from its words are known to bring peace and prosperity.
Many meditation albums and words used in Yoga are derieved from Sanskrit language. Its heritage is similar to Latin language.

The current version contains the 5 Chapters of Shrimad Bhagvatam, which is 29 to 33 known as a Ras Panchadhyayi.

In the tenth skanda of Bhagavatam, there are five chapters (29 to 33) known as ‘Rasa-panchadhyayi’. These five chapters describe the Raas Leela of Krishna with the Gopis of Brindavan. In which, Krishna who is of 8 about yrs of age, and gopies are of 16-40 years.
Rasa-panchadhyayi describes complete surrender of devotee there is no physical relation.
In 5 chapters 5 things are there.
1 – Characteristic of soul – soul is the devotee of the god.
2 – God is friendly with all and ready to protect the devotees.
3 – How to get god – by selfless chanting.
4 – What is the obstacle in getting the god attachment, anger, jealousy, and ego.
5 – What about after getting god – we should not be egoistic and should not leave chanting.

So here in

1st chapter god plays with – soul.
2nd chapter god plays with – mind.
3rd chapter god plays with – speech.
4th chapter god plays with – scene organs.
5th chapter god plays with – celestial body.